Brandon Lack, Artist
Brandon Lack is a handsome, happy, personable man who happens to have Down syndrome. Brandon is also an artist. His artist career began when he was just old enough to make marks on a page. As a toddler he developed a meditative circle drawing process, which he employed during stressful points in his life. The art expression process, for Brandon, was always connected to challenge and eventually progressed into dedicated work to help abate serious stress. Brandon’s fine character qualities have been sorely tested through the years, although his development of self-soothing art has been effective for him and an inspiration for others.
We believe a tipping point occurred for Brandon that triggered a next level of his art adventure. In January of 2015 Brandon was diagnosed with a second cancer and since then he has channeled challenge ramifications into creativity. An impressive quantity of sophisticated, complex and interesting artistic forms have replaced his signature meditative circles, and the forms has evolved into more precisely executed and refined representations. We believe his artistic product is still a continuation of his effort to assert self-soothing control in his life. We imagine that the control that he is seeking is realized when he gets closer to producing on canvas what he sees in his memory, imagination or his creative interpretation of what he sees around him. His sister's photographic art is among his favorite pieces to interpret. Admittedly, our analysis and understanding of Brandon's artistic process is rooted in vigilant observation; he does not particularly like to discuss his art. For Brandon, his artistic practice seems to be a deeply personal process like yoga that is an ongoing evolution and a beautifully positive and productive combatant to life challenges. For the appreciative observer, his artistic practice is interesting, beautiful and inspirational.
Brandon loves his family, socializing, 80’s music & movies and having important things to do. He is well loved and has a relentlessly positive attitude. He lives his life with a sweetness of character and happiness that is truly profound. We believe that his innocence and kindness is expressed in his art. Thank you for spending time with his website. Enjoy.